By: on December 20, 2019
Often times, sinusitis is not contagious. However, depending on the cause of the sinus infection, it can be spread to other people. To understand what this means, it is important to understand the causes of sinus infections first. Viral Sinus Infections Respiratory viruses, including colds and flus, can cause sinus infections and can be spread easily through hand-to-hand contact. Touching something that is contaminated by the virus, then touching your eyes, mouth or nose, can result in sin...
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By: on November 28, 2019
Balloon Sinuplasty safely and effectively dilates sinus openings that results in relief from sinus symptoms. This procedure has three easy steps: the device is inserted into the blocked sinus, the balloon inflates and expands the sinus opening, and then it is removed, leaving the sinus cavity open. Besides being a simple and safe procedure, here are some top benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty. Less pain, trauma, and side effects Since this is a non-surgical procedure, Balloon Sinuplasty is...
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